Friday, May 30, 2014

A new take on happy hour

I guess if you enjoy your car, and really embrace road relish rather than road rage, this could be how you view your commute. This person is an inspiration.

(please excuse the poor quality. It says HAPPYHR)

Thursday, May 29, 2014

An honest confession

...wit a stripperrrr....

I saw this at the beginning of my drive home, so of course I had that song stuck in my head for the ENTIRE RIDE.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Short bus

Kind of politically incorrect, but cracked me up anyway.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Roller skate

This little smart car was too cute. It had big pink eye lashes too.

Kinda looks like a roller skate if you use your imagination :-)

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Urban Life

This person has really adapted well to living here, dealing with all this traffic.

You go fellow Road Relisher.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Nice Grille

I took this photo because I think my husband would want this on his truck, but it's a neat grille to anyone, I think.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Paging Dr. Phil

Hahah Wonder what Dr. Phil is doing here?

Oh, it's Dr. Phyll...
Oh well.

Common opinion of the capital beltway

I got this one from a coworker. She was sitting in gridlock on the beltway, and this little gem was sitting in front of her.

Photo credit to Lauren Capps

Every one I've told about this is SO JEALOUS that they didn't think of this plate.
Whomever this plate belongs to is a GENIUS! And Lauren is totally awesome for getting a photo of it!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

No cat hunting

Who on earth thought it was necessary to post a sign that says "NO HUNTING CAT"? I was rolling around in laughter with that thought.
"I wonder if the woods are overrun with cats"
"Are cats good target practice"
"Why would someone shoot a cat? That's so sad."
"It's really funny, though: No hunting cat. Add in a comma: No hunting, cat. It gets even funnier."

Then, of course, my husband informed me that CAT, or C.A.T. is the authority who posted the sign.
It's still funny.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Happy Puppy

This dog is so cute! It looks JUST LIKE our dog Xena. She totally enjoys sticking her head ALL THE WAY out the window like that. It made me smile to be reminded of her, and to see how simple things can be the best.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Homigad It's a TESLA

I totally didn't even realize this car was a Tesla until I read the plate "4GETGAS"

I know that it is impossible to read, but I'm posting it anyway because I drooled over it a little bit. If I ever had enough money to waste it on a super expensive car like that, I would have a Tesla.


Friday, May 2, 2014

Acute or Obtuse?

I wonder what kind of angle theirs is. Maybe a right angle? I've always been fond of acute angles.

No, wait, it's Obtuse.