Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Oh, The Suspense!

So, I followed this truck for quite some time.


THIS TRUCK IS WHAT??!!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Monday, September 29, 2014

Pass the Relish: Muggle Life

This person isn't embarrassed to have no magical powers. Just happy to be part of the world. :-)

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Pass The Relish: Thoughts on Obama

This one is from my sister Kristin.

"I don't know what a dog squeeze is, but apparently Obama is one lol."

So... I didn't know what Dog Squeeze was either, and I still don't think it's a thing, but according to Urban Dictionary, it's basically the poop that leaks out of small dogs if you squeeze them a little too hard when you pick them up. In so many words... it was Urban Dictionary, of course.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The (Not So) Simple Life

I really enjoy this one.

Hopefully this doesn't come off as mean spirited as it sounds now, but I just couldn't get over it - Living the simple life in a vehicle that costs more than I make in a year that gets 17 miles a gallon. We must have different definitions of "simple".

Domino's Gives You Wings

This one made me laugh SO hard. I know it's really grainy, but it was good enough to me that I thought I would share it anyway.

I thought it was Red Bull that gives you wings! Not Domino's! Or maybe it looks like a shark with the fin on top.

Sobriety Checkpoint...?

I got this one from a coworker who wishes to remain anonymous.

We were wondering if this was the work of a prankster who hacked into the display, or if it was a legitimate typo from the transit authority (or whomever programs these signs). Based on the odd punctuation, I'm going to assume 'prankster' but it's still funny either way.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Pass The Relish: Do you think they mean the car?

This one says Favorite Toy

But my question is: Which one is the favorite toy? The car, or the thing hanging off the bumper?

Bonus: The SLOW AS F*CK is a second-look laugh.
Thanks Beth!