3. Either part of the problem or the solution

Aggressive driving shouldn’t be contagious. It is, though. The more people who’re around, the more likely it is that one of them will anger you in some way, and in turn you get aggressive, and then YOU’RE the one pissing someone off, and the cycle goes on. That’s a cycle that needs to be broken. If you change your behavior to avoid aggressive driving, suddenly, there are fewer aggressive drivers on the road.

People don’t cut you off as often.
People don’t tailgate you as often.
People aren’t so stupid.
People aren’t so vindictive.

Obviously, none of the people around me have changed, it was only me.

I put more space in between me and the car in front of me. That gives people more room to not cut me off. I just let people in. I have never been a “no you can’t get in front of me” person, but I WAS always the “we should take turns” person, so I’d let one person in but not the second. Obviously, I don’t stop and let in more people than make sense, but I don’t try to force fairness on other idiots anymore.  Also, I slowed down a bit. I don’t speed as much, which means I can’t be in the far left lane as much. Staying out of that lane cuts down on a lot of idiotness. I’ve found out that the far left lane is the home of the angry idiots. Occasionally they descend into the farther-right lanes, but that’s only to get around someone, and then they go back home.

Next cliché.

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Part 1
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Part 5

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